Everything you need to know
Do your house prices include council permits?
Every council in NZ has different rules and regulations, we do not get you council permits Nor do we apply for a permit on your behalf. We recommend you contact your council first and clarify what’s needed.
Is the transport included in the price?
No, we sell these houses to all over NZ. Delivery is available but quote is job specific.
Do you install these houses on site?
Our solid container homes don’t need installation. Our expandable container houses are very easy to install and sold all over NZ. We can not physically send a crew to those locations to install them. Any person who basically know how to use a battery powered hand drill can install it. We will also provide you with a 25 minutes instructional video on how to install it.
Is your pluming and electrical NZ standard?
All of our houses electrical wiring, power points and light switches come double poled.
Can I arrange transport for my own house?
Of course you can, you can bring your own truck and pick it up from our yard.
Is a licensed builder required for the house installation?
No, any handyman can do it. We provide a 25 minutes instructional video with every purchase.
What site preparations needed to put one of your houses on?
We recommend putting them on besser blocks if the ground is levelled and not highly reactive. Otherwise you might consider putting them on stumps or slabs.
Do you have any stock ready to go?
Please check with us, most of the time we do.
We are located at Pukekohe, Auckland. Appointment is essential.
Do you arrange electrical and plumbing connection to the home?
No we don’t, the electricity connects via a caravan plug or you can hardwire it. The plumbing needs a plumber to hook it up the sewerage and the water supply.
Can you supply composting toilet, solar panels, hot water system or a split system aircon?
Not at this stage. Even if we did, you are better off doing it your self. Because if we were to do it, we contract a third party and then put our margin on top.